
We Map the Journey to the Futures.

A participatory experience towards alternative futures.

  • Over the course of 6 months, thousand of ideas were discussed during the workshops.

  • Participatory Futures involves collective imaginaries, this project involved global members of Futures Space as well as Mondelez Foresight team members - with more than 30 participants per session.

  • 4 artifacts of different futures were co-created in a re-imaginative exercise to bring the scenarios to life.

  • This collaborative map provides insights into futures of food & snacking, it showcases the 6 month foresight process and visualizes data for continuous exploration of possibilities.

*we tailor such creative processes to fit your organization, contact us to book an initial conversation.



Collaborative Mapping

*This document is downloadable as a high-resolution copy, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Interested in the methodology?

*This document is downloadable and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Spaceship Crew

  • Pilot

    Grace led, designed, and facilitated the workshop series.


  • Co-Pilot

    Jocelyn co-designed and co-facilitated the sessions and managed community interactions.

  • Visual Designer

    JP designed the Futures Map